Steven Truscott was 14 years old in 1959 when he was charged and convicted for the murder of a 12-year old classmate, Lynne Harper. Truscott was sentenced to death, but because of his age, the sentence was commuted to life in prison. He always said he was innocent, but spent ten years in prison. Some 40 years later he was exonerated when he was acquitted of the crime by the Ontario Court of Appeal.

This special Algonquin College Speaker Series will feature an interview with author Julian Sher who wrote a best selling book about the case entitled, ‘Until You Are Dead,’ which is the basis for a new film called ‘Marlene’ which will also be shown at the speaker series. ‘Marlene’ is the story of Steven Truscott’s wife who advocated for her husband’s innocence for many years until his conviction was overturned as a miscarriage of justice.

Adult - $22.60 + HST + Fees